Blockquotes are a long formatted quote that is differentiated from the rest of the text on a webpage through different methods. It is used to highlight or set apart an important piece of text. These also help in focusing the user on the important quotes and styling a website.
Here is a collection of the best CSS Blockquotes hand-picked by our team.
1. This is a slightly tilted type of CSS blockquotes with impressive graphics perfect for any announcements. This style incorporates more information.

2. This is an eye-catching way of quoting without any author photos. The only downside is that this CSS Blockquotes style changes with the length of your quote.

3. This is an illustrative CSS blockquote design where the text keeps moving, but the quote remains at the same place.

4. These quote cards are the best choice for when the text is the only center of attraction on the webpage. These CSS blockquotes examples simply look beautiful when customer reviews or similar texts are shown on the webpage.
5. In this type of CSS blockquotes example, the text is inside a large circle. This enhances the text beautifully with a subtle touch of style.

6.This type of blockquote is the perfect definition of simple and elegant. With a small photo of the quoted person along with their names at the bottom, it is a great choice if a website is planning on quoting famous people.

7. These quote animation sequences are flashy gradient text with background-clip masking that reveals quotes and brackets.
8. The hover quote box is what makes this blockquote CSS Bootstrap look sober and amazing. The animations that are seen when the mouse hovers over this make it more notable than the others.
9. This is a classic with top and bottom borders. It is the perfect example of simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

10. These are a few different ways of highlighting quotes with some of them having gentle animation.

11. This impressive block quote is with speech bubble outline is perfect for highlighting something within the highlighted text.

12. This is a neat block quote with Font Awesome and pseudo-elements perfect for highlighting a smaller quote from a bigger text.

13. This block quote experiments with positioning, colors, and transparency. It is urbane and distinctive in style.

14. An elegant quoting style that has become a viral way of quoting on Social Media these days and has a chic look to it.

15. A block quote that highlights the text in two different ways when hovered over with a mouse with a modern outlook to it.
16. An elegant way of highlighting quotes from a text with neat animations. It draws a user’s focus on it like a moth drawn to a flame.

17. A typography block quote that looks prim and proper. It has an engaging look to it even after being so basic.

18. The perfect type of blockquote with animation. The quote comes to life in a second.
19. A blockquote with the option of adding a photo next to it. It looks sober and graceful wherever it is used.

20. This is a polygon-style gradient pull quote that highlights the text in a way that it becomes the main focal point of the webpage.

21. A basic quote-style with a dotted bottom border. It looks like the perfect ending to a dramatic text.

22. Alternatinging blockquotes is the perfect way of incorporating various quotes in one webpage. With different text alignments, the quotes are easier to read and comprehend.

23. A stylish blockquote with various font sizes. It helps in highlighting the main parts of a quote and has a very modern look to it.

24. These blockquotes with block shadows are the best way of highlighting quotes in a tight-knit text. It looks spectacular and gives a break from uniformity on a web page.

25. This blockquote is perfect to show multiple quotes from the same author. It is a simple blockquote that looks alluring with eye-catching animation.
26. This blockquote is unique with an image acting as the text’s borders. It gives a suave and sublime look to your webpage.

27. This blockquote has 4 examples of transforming texts. All are minimalist and engaging and can be the perfect fit for your webpage.
28. This blockquote is minimalist and beautiful with a solid color background to the text. It gives emphasis to the quote and looks phenomenal on a webpage.

29. This fancy blockquote style looks pretty and highlights your text in a very sophisticated and sober way.

30. In this blockquote, the text is in a container which gives it a soft, and noteworthy look. It has a chic look to it giving it the modern-day Social Media look.

31. A subtle blockquote with a gradient effect. It has subtle animations and stands out marvelously on a webpage.
32. A quote card with a transparent photo of the author and an emphasis on the quote. Looks candid and incredible for highlighting quotes from famous people and also has minimal animations.
33. A literary style of blockquote with a subtle background and a clear emphasis on the text. The text is underlined and has a c-curve in front of it to differentiate it from the rest of the text and the author’s name is in the corner right.

34. A basic and bold style of blockquote for all the minimalist lovers out there. It looks simple and beautiful with a modern touch.